Winclove Probiotics is proud to announce that Ecologic® AAD is now also recommended by the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) for reducing the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea among children.
New updated global guidelines for probiotic use titled “WGO Practice Guideline. Probiotics and Prebiotics” have recently been published by the WGO. The guidelines represent an extensive effort to summarize the emerging evidence on probiotic and prebiotic use and how to apply it in clinical practice. The review team, consisting of researchers renowned in the field and of ISAPP board members, used the guidelines for evaluating probiotics as established by FAO/WHO in 2002.
Clinical conditions for which strong evidence was found include antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. Winclove’s premium probiotic formulation Ecologic® AAD has been included in the WGO guidelines once again. In 2017 Ecologic® AAD was already included in the WGO guidelines for reducing the risk of AAD in adults. In the new 2023 guidelines, Ecologic® AAD is recommended for reducing the risk of AAD not only in adults but also in children. This novel inclusion is based on the recent double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study performed in collaboration with Prof. Hania Szajewska and Tim de Meij in which Ecologic® AAD showed positive results.
The WGO guidelines are important in informing gastroenterologists, pharmacists, dietitians, and other healthcare practitioners worldwide, especially in regions where product availability might be limited. It will assist in choosing the right evidence-based probiotic formulation such as Ecologic® AAD when taking antibiotics.
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